How I Work With You

As an integrative psychotherapist, I blend a number of different therapy styles to match your presenting issues, personality type and preferences. Click here to book a FREE 20 minute consultation and click here to learn more about therapy modalities from psychodynamic to cognitive behavioural therapy. We would typically meet weekly for a 50 minute session either in person or online. I also offer a text service for those looking for extra support in-between sessions. Prices start at £70 per session with availability for discounted sessions for those experiencing financial hardshipOther services include Agony Aunt-style responses to pressing concerns and medical journalism/writing. Scroll down to find out more about each service and my approach.

Help With Mental Health Issues & Life Events

Therapy doesn’t work for everyone, which is the same for medications or even mindfulness. However, for most people it offers a place to be heard and understood in a confidential space and that alone can be therapeutic. The most common conditions I see in practice are anxiety and trauma but others include anger, panic attacks, depression, eating problems and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Therapy is also a supportive space if you are going through a major life event such as divorce, bereavement or relationship issues or have low self-esteem and identity issues.

My Values & Approach

I believe that human nature is inherently good and everyone has the potential to find their own answers to their problems

I work on the basis  of an equal, respectful relationship with my clients. Everyone is unique with their own set of subjective experiences and my goal is to facilitate awareness, growth and personal empowerment. All this while also considering the patient’s social and economic context. 

The therapeutic relationship is central to my approach. I will always provide a confidential, non-judgemental space, and prioritise being respectful, attentive, and empathic in order to facilitate growth, change and wellbeing.

Online Support & Agony Aunt Service

Some clients like additional support in-between sessions and so for an additional fee, I offer a daily email service. Prices depend on days required, starting at £5/day. 

With extensive networks and experience within the medical industry and mental health, I also offer an Agony Aunt-style service to answer pressing concerns. I will liaise with experts in the field to help formulate a reply that helps to give you direction and support. Prices start at £25 and depend on complexity of the case and word length.

Medical Journalism

With over 20 years experience in medical journalism, I continue to write for various clients, websites and publications. My career includes various magazine editorships and freelancing work. It has taken me around the globe and given me the opportunity to work within a diverse range of physical and mental health topics. 

I typically work on a daily rate but also on commission basis. Please ask about my rates.